/*! @license
* Shaka Player
* Copyright 2016 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @externs
* @typedef {{
* originalManifestUri: string,
* duration: number,
* size: number,
* expiration: number,
* periods: !Array<shaka.extern.PeriodDBV2>,
* sessionIds: !Array<string>,
* drmInfo: ?shaka.extern.DrmInfo,
* appMetadata: Object
* }}
* @property {string} originalManifestUri
* The URI that the manifest was originally loaded from.
* @property {number} duration
* The total duration of the media, in seconds.
* @property {number} size
* The total size of all stored segments, in bytes.
* @property {number} expiration
* The license expiration, in milliseconds; or Infinity if not applicable.
* Note that upon JSON serialization, Infinity becomes null, and must be
* converted back upon loading from storage.
* @property {!Array<shaka.extern.PeriodDBV2>} periods
* The Periods that are stored.
* @property {!Array<string>} sessionIds
* The DRM offline session IDs for the media.
* @property {?shaka.extern.DrmInfo} drmInfo
* The DRM info used to initialize EME.
* @property {Object} appMetadata
* A metadata object passed from the application.
* @typedef {{
* startTime: number,
* streams: !Array<shaka.extern.StreamDBV2>
* }}
* @property {number} startTime
* The start time of the period, in seconds.
* @property {!Array<shaka.extern.StreamDBV2>} streams
* The streams that define the Period.
* @typedef {{
* id: number,
* originalId: ?string,
* primary: boolean,
* presentationTimeOffset: number,
* contentType: string,
* mimeType: string,
* codecs: string,
* frameRate: (number|undefined),
* pixelAspectRatio: (string|undefined),
* kind: (string|undefined),
* language: string,
* label: ?string,
* width: ?number,
* height: ?number,
* initSegmentKey: ?number,
* encrypted: boolean,
* keyId: ?string,
* segments: !Array<shaka.extern.SegmentDBV2>,
* variantIds: !Array<number>
* }}
* @property {number} id
* The unique id of the stream.
* @property {?string} originalId
* The original ID, if any, that appeared in the manifest. For example, in
* DASH, this is the "id" attribute of the Representation element.
* @property {boolean} primary
* Whether the stream set was primary.
* @property {number} presentationTimeOffset
* The presentation time offset of the stream, in seconds. Note that this is
* the inverse of the timestampOffset as defined in the manifest types.
* @property {string} contentType
* The type of the stream, 'audio', 'text', or 'video'.
* @property {string} mimeType
* The MIME type of the stream.
* @property {string} codecs
* The codecs of the stream.
* @property {(number|undefined)} frameRate
* The Stream's framerate in frames per second.
* @property {(string|undefined)} pixelAspectRatio
* The Stream's pixel aspect ratio
* @property {(string|undefined)} kind
* The kind of text stream; undefined for audio/video.
* @property {string} language
* The language of the stream; '' for video.
* @property {?string} label
* The label of the stream; '' for video.
* @property {?number} width
* The width of the stream; null for audio/text.
* @property {?number} height
* The height of the stream; null for audio/text.
* @property {?number} initSegmentKey
* The storage key where the init segment is found; null if no init segment.
* @property {boolean} encrypted
* Whether this stream is encrypted.
* @property {?string} keyId
* The key ID this stream is encrypted with.
* @property {!Array<shaka.extern.SegmentDBV2>} segments
* An array of segments that make up the stream.
* @property {!Array<number>} variantIds
* An array of ids of variants the stream is a part of.
* @typedef {{
* startTime: number,
* endTime: number,
* dataKey: number
* }}
* @property {number} startTime
* The start time of the segment, in seconds from the start of the Period.
* @property {number} endTime
* The end time of the segment, in seconds from the start of the Period.
* @property {number} dataKey
* The key to the data in storage.
* @typedef {{
* data: !ArrayBuffer
* }}
* @property {!ArrayBuffer} data
* The data contents of the segment.